Carman Wilson Voice
Bridging the Gap between
Big and Small Worlds

African American, Award Winning, Voice Over Talent
A voice confident enough to command a room, and inviting enough to make anyone feel like they’re the only one listening – welcome to Carman’s World. Carman Wilson is an award winning voice actor with natural talent and a vibrant spirit that’s sure to draw audience’s in. Welcoming, yet no nonsense, Carman’s voice is versatile enough to impress in e-Learning, commercial, and beyond.
As an African-American voiceover professional, Carman’s versatility is greatly strengthened by her diverse background. She grew up in smalltown Maryland, but her post-college military career took her all over the world: 19 different countries to be exact, from Germany to Panama to Japan and more. She brings all these world experiences, both big and small, to her VO work.
Carman is also professionally trained in her craft. She has worked with acclaimed voiceover coach J. Michael Collins, and received teaching in the Meisner, Method and Technical acting techniques. Carman takes direction with ease and will always provide her own authentic perspective – she’s coachable at no expense to creativity.
In her free time, Carman enjoys spending time with her husband, two sons, and siblings – family is extremely important to her. Carman also loves quilting, sewing, organic gardening, and refinishing furniture.
It’s Carman’s World of VO, and we’re lucky enough to live in it. Experience for yourself today.
Vocal Profile
- Inspiring
- Honest
- Charismatic
- Sincere
- Articulate
- Confident
- Smooth
- Warm-hearted
- Grounded
- Real
- Believable
- Trustworthy
- Enthusiastic
- Authoritative
Professional Home Studio
With a home studio equipped with a Sennheiser MK 4 Microphone, Sennheiser HD 880 Pro Headphones or Beyer Dynamic 770 Pro Headphones, a Steinberg UR 22 MK II Audio Interface or Focusrite Scarlett Solo, and the Adobe Audition Digital Workstation or REAPER, Carman can meet your toughest deadlines all the while providing the most quality deliverables. She can connect with clients via Source Connect, Skype, Phone Patch, Zoom, Google Meets, or ipDTL.

My Videos
Culturelle - Women are Built Different
Potential for Washington, D.C.
Designerly Funnel Management Strategies
Do Good Challenge Kick Off
Mississippi Votes
Happy Clients
